Fill yourself with unforgettable experiences

Get to know the local producers of products, their production and sales areas,
the certified local labels and the future of production in our country!

Also live the unique experience of taking a ride in a stately carriage in Nafpaktos and the wider region,
which will take you to another era or even try horseback riding!

  1. Visit to a honey packing plant. [Stiliaras Honey]
  2. Visit to a producer of dairy and cheese products. [Gratsanis Cheese Mornou]
  3. Visit to a winery and a wine and beer producer. [Ploumis Wines and Beers]
  4. Visit to a citrus fruit producer and packer. [Angelakis Fruits]
  5. Visit to a farm in Managouli.
  6. Carriage ride [Dimitriou Horses Nafpaktos]

Proceed Booking

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