Theatre, music, dance and many more activities for our little friends are included in the Christmas events program of the Municipality of Nafpaktia for these holidays!
Daily, from 15/12/2022 to 5/1/2023, from 11:00-13:00 and 18:00-20:00 [except 25/12/2022 and 1/1/2023], in cooperation with the Association “Nafpaktos. Cultural Routes”, there will be activities for children in Farmaki Square. Christmas houses will operate in Limenos Square by the Associations Alkyoni and Floga.
- Saturday 10 December 2022
5:30pm. Christmas event and lighting of the Christmas Tree, in cooperation with the Antirrio Cultural Association “The Castelli”, the participation of the Choir of the cultural association, the Antirrio KDCAP & the Association of Friends of the Antirrio Philharmonic “the Apollo”.
Hormova Square Antirrio
- Monday 12 December 2022
7:00pm. Christmas Concert of Love, Mixed Choir of Nafpaktos, Papacharalampios Municipal Philharmonic, Choir of the “Alkyoni” Association.
The conductors are: El. El. Papadopoulou-Aravantinou, D. Abatzis. On the piano: Ζ. Z. Korkontzelou, S. Pothou.
Papacharalampeios Hall of Nafpaktos
- Tuesday 13 December 2022
6:00pm. Christmas event and lighting of the Christmas Tree in the Daphnis TK.
In cooperation with the Daphne Primary School and the Daphne Local Community.
- Wednesday 14 December 2022
6:00pm. Christmas event and lighting of the Christmas Tree in Galata, in cooperation with the Galata Primary School, the KDC of the Municipality of Nafpaktia and the Local Community of Galata.
- Thursday 15 December 2022
7:00pm. Christmas event and lighting of the Christmas tree.
Participants. Cultural Routes” and the Nafpaktos Equestrian Club.
Farmaki Square
- Monday 19 December 2022
5:00pm. “I write a Christmas card and send my wishes to a child of Floga”, by “Floga” Association of Parents of Children with Neoplasm Disease.
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6:00pm. “Singing Christmas” by the Foreign Language Centre “Alexia Paliou”.
Farmaki Square
- Tuesday 20 December
5:00-8:00p.m. Christmas workshops from the KDCs of the Municipality of Nafpaktia.
Farmaki Square
- Thursday 22 December
6:00-7:30 Christmas carols by the children of Alkyoni, Association for the Disabled of Nafpaktia & Doris, Port Square.
8:00pm Jazz-Swing Christmas melodies with Vibes, Stenopazaro.
- Friday 23 December 2022
12:00 Christmas melodies by the Municipal Philharmonic Orchestra of Nafpaktos in the squares of our city, under the direction of the chief musician D. Abatzis.
5:00-7:00pm. Christmas workshops by the KDAP for the disabled of the Municipality of Nafpaktia.
Farmaki Square
- Tuesday 27-December 2022
10:00-11:30 “Hide and seek with Santa Claus”, Papacharalampios Public Library of Nafpaktos for children 4-6 years old.
- Wednesday 28 December 2022
10:00-11:30 “A tree once” for children 7-12.
Pappacharalampeios Public Library of Nafpaktos
- Thursday 29 December 2022
8:00pm. Christmas theatrical performance “Lights…” by AMKE “Dronon Katharsis”. Theatrical adaptation: Ev. Ev. Director. Actors: L. Lukas. L. L. Tsagas. E. Evaggelatou, E. Evaggelatou. E. Evaggelogitidis, E. Bourani, O. Datapoulou.
Pappacharalampeios Hall
- Friday 30 December 2022
12:00 Christmas melodies by the Municipal Philharmonic Orchestra of Nafpaktos in the squares of our city, under the direction of the chief musician D. Abatzis.
8:00pm. Christmas with the djs. G.Tsovolo, Nikos Diamantopoulos & Cj Jeff
Port of Nafpaktos
- Friday 6 January 2023
Theophany Celebration – Nafpaktos Port

In case of adverse weather conditions there may be changes to the dates or venue of the events. Timely information will be provided.
[photo: Panagiota Melista]